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The ansible_vault_password_file definition-attribute is a special attribute that causes a standard Ansible Vault password-file to be generated as per documentation.

When this is used to set Ansible variable ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE you gain the ability to easily invoke ansible-vault without further Ansible configuration or other Ansible environment settings.


Of note is that the ansible-password-file rendering uses random file names and hash-of-source-name to create consistent but difficult to guess environment names making it harder to target specific environment values.


$ cat /tmp/igxrsfnrsxig
echo "${E25AF8C1096A}"

$ env | grep E25AF8C1096A 

In the above example -

  • The env-var ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE points to a random filename /tmp/igxrsfnrsxig located in the system temp path
  • The Ansible password-file is a standard format executable that echos out another environment value as per Ansible documentation
  • The environment name E25AF8C1096A gets generated based on a salted SHA256 of the source attribute name (not the value itself)
  • Finally, the value for the vault-password is exposed on the environment variable E25AF8C1096A

The above is achieved using an env-alias definition as simple as -

    ansible_vault_password: "some-secret-value"
    ansible_vault_password_file: true


Typically, the ansible_vault_password value should never be set using an in-the-clear value as shown above, you should use prior steps to obtain this value safely/securely such as from user-input using <getpass> or load from a Keepass file or other appropriate mechanism.