This project uses the very awesome slap-cli utility to help with development, testing, packaging and release management. Slap-cli works well with the fancy-and-fast UV tooling too.
# Create a new venv "env-alias" to work within
slap venv -cg env-alias
# Activate the "env-alias" venv
slap venv -ag env-alias
# Install the requirements for the "env-alias" development venv
slap install --upgrade --link
# Update code formatting
slap run format
# Test the package (pytest, uv)
slap test
# Write a "feature" changelog entry
slap changelog add -t "feature" -d "<changelog message>" [--issue <issue_url>]
# Bump the package version at the "patch" semver level
slap release patch --dry
slap release patch --tag [--push]
# Build a package
slap publish --build-directory build --dry
# Publish a package
slap publish